Training Quality Assurance
Colt Starting Boosters
Thank you for considering being a booster to the TVCC equine program. Your contributions to the program are much needed and much appreciated to help us be able to continue to operate. It is the goal through the TVCC equine program to certify students that are qualified to train horses for the public. Through TQA (Training Quality Assurance) we are working on trying to set an industry quality standard for starting colts. Currently the most common industry quality standard among people that should be training horses for the public is to have them for two month and through TQA’s phase four of training. It is also common for most people to train horses for the public to charge between $1,000 and $1,200 per month. So, to set a “solid foundation” on a horse, a person should expect to pay between ($2,000 and $2,400). Although we are trying to meet the industry quality standard through the colt starting program, as a result of training young students along with your young horse, we often times fall short of our goals.
Below I would like to share how much we have into the horses and offer a suggested booster donation. However, at the end of the day we are not running a business and whatever you choose to donate to our 501-C3 through the horse production program will be very much appreciated and will go far to help make our program better.
Suggest booster Donation
TVCC expense
- $400 Feed and Bard
- $100 Teeth and Vet Expense
- $500 (For 3 Months)
Suggested Training Donation
- Through Phase 4 $ 500 + $700 = $1,200
- Through Phase 3 $ 500 + $600 = $1,100
- Through Phase 2 $ 500 + $400 = $1000
- Through Phase 1 $ 500 + $300 = $800
Training phases is measured by where the horse is at the end of training (you can watch videos at the bottom of this page that shows phases). We work hard and work together as a team to make sure all the horses get through phase 4 or 3. The only horses that only make it through phase 1 or 2 training level, is by request of the owner. Or horses that may have gotten hurt, or sick and we were not able to put the rides on the horse during the training period. We cannot stress enough how much we appreciate your support to the program. We could not do it without your continued support.
Thank You
Wade Black
TQA Industry Quality Standards at the End of 2-Months Training
(Set by industry professionals: Chris Cox, Nick Dowers, Joe Walters, Brian Nuebert, Martin Black, Ty Van Norman, Jason Smith, Paul Elsner, Levi Gibson, Jake Brown, John Devries).
Setting the Foundation on an Un-Started Horse or Restarting a Poorly Trained Horse. Disclaimer: This does not mean that every horse will meet the TQA Industry Quality Standard for setting the foundation on a horse. It is only meant to be a baseline industry standard for the trainer to evaluate the horse with the client and for the client to evaluate their trainer. Just like kids in school, some kids take more time, and it is the same in working with horses. Also, some horses may be unsafe for their client and the Baseline Industry Standard can be used as a way to show this to their client.
Expectations at the end of the TQA program: Through Phase 4
- Good to Catch
- Stand to saddle and accept bridle
- Stand to get on (For an inexperienced rider)
- Lope in a straight line away from the barn
- Walk, trot and lope a circle both direction
- Stop at a walk, trot and lope by asking with both reins.
- Pivot around an inside front foot (disengage hindquarters)
- Use hindquarters to pull horse in reverse motion (stopping & backing)
- Front feet and hind feet move together in a lateral motion (side pass/ two track)
- Stop the inside hind foot and walk/pull the other feet forward around it. (Roll Back/ Spin).
- Vertical flexion
- Pickup feet
- Load in trailer
- Stand quiet tied up
- Foundation applied to jobs (catered to discipline):
- What will the owner do with them? Open/ close gate, except rope/ tarp, track cow/roping dummy, cut flag, go over jump, cross water/ bridge, exposed to starting gate/track, crack whip, etc…
Colt Starting Booster Checklist
- Contact Instructor to Confirm Booster Spot:
- Contact Facility Manager to arrange a drop off time:
- Paper Work Needed
- Appendix B Agreement for Emergency Care
- Appendix C Contract for Equine Boarding
- Provide current negative Coggins test results and a copy of a signed 5-way vaccination.
- Appendix F Health Advisory
- Liability waiver
- Drop off a $500 fixed cost check with livestock center coordinator at the time of drop off.
- Give booster donation at the end of training.
Colt Starting Curriculum
- Groundwork (Score Sheet) –
- Watch TQA Groundwork:
- Phase 1 (Score Sheet) –
- Watch TQA Phase 1 Video:
- Phase 2 (Score Sheet)
- Watch TQA Phase 2 Video:
- Phase 3 (Score Sheet) –
- Watch TQA Phase 3 Video:
- Phase 4 (Score Sheet)-
- Watch TQA Phase 4 Video: TQA Colt Starting (Phase 4/ Industry Colt Starting Test) – YouTube